Eglinton Community Hall – Activities October 2015
6am Early Morning Fitness
10am Yoga
11am Hearing Aid Support, 2nd November, 7th December -1st Monday of every month
11.30am Monday Club 55+ cookery this term
2-4pm Little Stars After Schools – contact Avril on 07858866125 to book
4..30pm Children’s Drama classes, age 4-7 years
6pm Bums and Tums – Heather will be back on 12th October
6.30pm Spin – book bike on Facebook Spinrise Eglinton or text 07926639304
7.15pm Children’s Highland Dancing – special offer free introduction class to get started
7.15pm Junior Boxing
8.15pm Senior Boxing
6am Spin
9.30am Baby Sensory Classes
11am Eglinton Wellbeing Centre Senior Citizens Ballroom Dancing
11am WH&SSCT Personal Care Dispensary
2-6pm Little Stars After Schools
4.30pm-6.30pm Guitar Classes - half hour slots, contact Kevin Rotherham on Facebook to book or text 07543763969, adult classes available as well
5.30pm Karate Juniors
6.15pm Karate Seniors
6.30pm Spin
6.45pm Eglinton Road Runners
7pm Line Dancing - starter/newcomer class for children and adults - starts 6th October
8-10pm Line Dancing - Competition Newcomer, Novice, Intermediate and Advanced class - starts 6th October
7-9.30pm Makaton Foundation workshops - 13th Oct. / 20th Oct. / 3rd Nov. / 10th Nov.
8.30pm Ballroom Dancing
6am Early morning fitness class
10am-12noon Citizen’s Advice Bureau
11am Jo Jingles
11am Senior Citizens Exercise and Indoor Curling
New GP Referral exercise programme and also some cycling starting soon
2-6pm Little Stars After Schools
4.30pm Hip Hop Children’s Dance
6pm In Your Space Circus skills
6.30pm Spin
7.30pm Yoga
7.30pm Ceili Dancing
7.30pm Senior Boxing
6am Spin
10am Oil Painting contact Liz Doran 71811210
11am Foyle Arena Over 50s Aqua Aerobics, bus leaves Eglinton Community Hall at 10.30am
2-6pm Little Stars After Schools
4.30pm Children’s Drama classes, age 8-13 years
5.30pm & 7.30pm Slimming World
6.15pm Pilates Class – contact Ann Marie 71810515 or 07743473354
6.30pm Spin
6.45pm Eglinton Road Runners
7.30pm Senior boxing
7.30pm Stunts / Cheerleading
6am Early morning fitness class
2-6pm Little Stars After Schools
6pm Zumba back on 16th Oct
10am David Campbell Saturday Soccer
12 noon Meditation Class – contact Claire McElhinney 07872393490
Most classes are drop in except for Spin and Guitar, a bike must be booked as classes are busy.
Guitar classes are in half hour slots - details for booking given above.
Rooms available for hire for functions and parties - Contact us:
71812303 / eglintoncommunity@yahoo.co.uk / facebook Eglinton Community Hall